About us

We’re a small writing studio run by Matt and Janet. Together we help clients of all sizes do big things with their words.

We write

Using storytelling to help you get results

We edit

Creating polished, persuasive publications

We advise

Sharing our experience with your team


Creative and effective ways with words


We write for clients across sectors. But all our projects have a common thread. We take an idea, a mass of information or a rough piece of copy and refine it. The result: writing that combines form and function to achieve what our clients want.

That’s why we think of writing for business as a craft. It’s a creative process that draws on knowledge, skills and experience to make something that works, something with a defined purpose.


The art of knowing when less is more


Editing is what turns a promising draft into a polished and effective piece of writing. Even a light edit can make a big difference. It eliminates errors. It tightens the language. And it ensures the point you’re making hits home.

We edit technical reports on topics such as offshore wind or the future of agriculture. Whatever the subject, we make the copy clear, concise and engaging to a wide audience.


Expert help with brand language


We share our experience with clients. We’ll help you define your brand language. And we’ll create guidelines for using it effectively. Want to train your marketing teams to write powerfully? We do that too.

We can also advise you on the best way to approach a major writing project. What’s the best way to refresh a corporate website? How can you write a report with content from multiple contributors? We’ll help you plan for success.

“Writing well for the web needs collaboration. Polon’s copywriters are easy to work with, they understand the digital environment and, above all, they help us make our clients happy.”

Oscar Pettersson – Managing Director, Pepper Digital